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Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Definition of Feeling Crappy - ME

I went to the Dr. Tuesday - related to increased never ending fatigue and very severe right leg pain. I was told there is little to be done about my fatigue- I can try exercising as long as it's swimming in a "VERY clean pool" (he mentioned the clean part last year at this same time) and my leg is bursitis which he feels is r/t my Fibromyalgia and I got a steroid shot in my hip for the pain - of course he had to examine it and the pain was so much worse than it was when I got there. He wanted me to pick up next weeks Enbrel but they didn't have any (still don't today). I had a bone density scan - which is much more painful when you have joint pain - I'm glad the tech was strong enough to position my legs - he was probably a contortionist or at least into S & M in another life - by the time I got to the lab I was fed up - she used up her two chances and I said nope - no more!! My friend and I left - she mentioned I had gotten a bit grumpy - which we laughed about - we went for brunch - it was way too early for the Aussie Bakery much to my disappointment and both of us were SO tired she got up at 4:30am and I got up at 5:00am - my appointment was at 0800.  I have been on my own at home since Saturday night so when I got home all I had to do was let Maggie out and go to bed. Wednesday was a bit better - I had to give my Enbrel shot - it burned like CRAP again - even though I left it out 10 minutes - the side effects started about 45 minutes later and I ended up in bed with an ice pack & hot tea (sore throat) but woke up at 6 pm to vomit for about 30 minutes. Then I slept off and on the rest of the night - mostly off. Today I am tired, hungry and want to eat something rich and decadent from Aussie's but have nothing here - which I guess is good. I do have some 70% chocolate eggs - not really what I want. It's one of those days when nothing sounds good - I really don't need to eat anyway - lol.

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